Thursday, March 22, 2012

Get on it Google

I don't always but when I do...

One fateful day in the late '80s, during the golden age of talk shows, a man wearing a great t-shirt and an even greater haircut spent two minutes and 35 seconds performing an act involving whistling, facial expressions, and a Hoagy Carmichael song. Like a viral Holy Grail, it sat dormant for years, waiting to be discovered. Presidents came and went, nations rose and fell, hip-hop was born and New Coke died. The world waited for it to return.

And now, finally, it has.

in case you missed Skiba doing the murder

Monday Minute 67: Kinky from riley erickson on Vimeo.

Fo Lyfe

Stolen From Jake I mean Make

Baby Karl Kickin ass


Tuesday, March 6, 2012